amateur hack

Thursday, January 06, 2005

lack of imagination

If Arnold had a real thought he would have built on what appeared to be his previous initiatives. He made a deal with the teachers; he made a deal with uc and the state university systems. last year he told them that if they ponied up he would love them this year. where is the love. He told the voters that if they bought a $15 billion bonding - that will cost twice that - something, even if not everything, would be solved. This year we find nothing is solved and we're short another $8-10 billion. With all the "reforms" he touts, next year will be a repeat performance.

I think the discussion about redistricting lacks genuiness. If he were really interested he could easily move in a bi-partisan direction by promoting Alan Lowenthals bill. No one believes there are significant differences between the 2 approaches. Then he could have a reasonable discussion about term limits and acknowledge the need for more professionalism in Sacramento again.

The discussion about merit pay for teachers is thin. It certainly has nothing to do with the deficit. Even the state pension system is a percent of two of the problem.
Once again he employs the threat of going around the legislature, as if his proposals were going to solve the deficit. A lack of imagination.